Lecture Video and Materials of Online Series on Co-occuring disorder - Topic 5: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)


In the afternoon of January 22, 2019, Vietnam HIV – Addiction Technology Transfer Center - University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City (VHATTC-UMP) successfully organized an online lecture on co-occuring disorders on SUD patients - Topic 5: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), with the guidance of Ms. Julie Rosen (New Mexico, USA) and the participation of nearly 60 partcipants from 17 provinces.

The path leading to one’s substance use is often affected by many different factors. One of them is the fact that people take drugs as a solution to their negative emotions, the discomfort from a traumatic event, or some bad experience that has happened to them in the past. It’s extremely helpful to know and understand the traumas that patients have been suffering and support them in recognizing and resolving traumas. This will contribute to a sustainable improvement of the treatment outcome, facilitating patient to gradually reduce unhealthy behaviors and head for a better free-of-drug life.

Because the time is limited, the treatment for PTSD was not fully explained. As this is a useful topic, VHATTC hopes that in the future we can organize a formal or face-to-face training on PTSD and its connection with SUD.

Thank you for your paticipation.

Download the materials: Chuyên đề 5 – PTSD

Lecture video:
