Lecture series 2 on Motivaltional Interviewing (August-October 2018)


Following the success of the first online series training on motivational interviewing via ZOOM, VHATTC-UMP continues to replicate this useful course for individuals and organizations working in addiction and HIV treatment field.

Time: 10:00-11:30am every Thursday from August 30, 2018 to October 18, 2018 (8 sessions)

How to participate: Online participation via ZOOM

Goals and Content:

  • Introduce and provide some basic information about motivational interviewing, especially in the context of substance abuse and HIV treatment.
  • Explain terms in detail followed by practice performed by partcipants in each steps of MI
  • Help participants clear up misunderstandings, improve their communication skills to perform a better service to clients


  • Didactic lecturing on theory and terms in 90 minutes of online learning
  • Participant applies what they have learned from the previous session on a particular case at clinic; their responses and questions related ti this homework are also exchanged with the instructor in the beginning of the next session.

This activity can act as both training and technical assistance clinical staffs, helping them strengthen the patient's engagement in treatment, thereby improving the quality of the clinic's services.