Annual Review Meeting between VHATTC-UMP, SAMHSA Vietnam and PAC HCM (Dec 28, 2018)


On December 28, 2018, VHATTC-UMP, SAMHSA had an exchange meeting with the PAC HCMC and representatives from some Methadone clinics in Ho Chi Minh City. The meeting was both an opportunity for both sides to look back on a year of VHATTC-UMP support for PAC HCMC as well as OPCs in Ho Chi Minh City, and a discussion on future cooperation efforts between VHATTCand PAC HCMC. HCM with support from SAMHSA.âm VHATTC và Trung tâm Phòng chống HIV/AIDS TP. HCM với sự hỗ trợ chung từ tổ chức SAMHSA.

Also, VHATTC and PAC HCMC said goodbye to Dr. Nadine Rogers - SAMHSA Team Lead in Vietnam. Dr. Rogers is about to complete her direct term in Vietnam and return to the United States. Dr. Nadine Rogers will still provide remote support for SAMHSA's activities in Vietnam for times to come.

VHATTC hopes that she will have the opportunity to return to visit Vietnam in the future.

We wish her health and success and would like to thank her for accompanying VHATTC and localities in repelling substance abuse and HIV epidemic in Vietnam.

Other pictures taken at the event: