[29 April 2020] Online session on: COVID-19 Prevention in health approaching and caring for community


Dear Colleagues,

People living with HIV and sensitive goups affected by HIV infection including drug users, men who have sex with men, female sex worker, transgender women or their sexual partners are at high-risk of Covid-19 infection and of severe disease or life - threatening if affected. Hence, the prevention among these target populations is essential

With the purpose of providing and reviewing some knowledge for health provider/CBOs' staff approaching directly to the community, VHATTC coordinates with UNODC to organize a lecture discussing on this topic"COVID-19 Prevention in health approaching and caring for community".

Main Content

1. Basic information about Covid-19 and prevention methods
2. Ensurrance Safety and results of health approaching and caring in community (Recommendations of Ministry of health and international organizations)
3. Q & A

Time 15:00-16:30 Wednesday 29 April, 2020
How to participate: Online via ZOOM
Language: Vietnamese
Attendants: staff working at community-based organizations and people who concern
Slides and ZOOM ID: will be informed to those who registered.


For any question or comments, please contact: Nguyen Thi Ngoc Diep, Phone No.: 0966 136 327, email: svhattc@gmail.com. For technical issues , please contact Danh Hoang Nguyen, Phone No.: 0949574493.