[01 April, 2020] Online Lecture on: Covid-19 Prevention in Addiction Treatment Facilites and some Official Recommendations


Dear colleagues,

The complicated ongoing outbreak of pandemic Covid-19 have been causing many difficulties, challenges for both staff in addiction treament clinics and health providers at other facilities.

Therefore, Vietnam HIV and Addiction Technology Transfer Center – University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City (VHATTC-UMP) conduct an online lecture on: COVID-19 Prevention at Addiction Treatment Facilities and some Recommendations with 2 overall goals:
– Providing information on how to prevent COVID-19 in addiction treatment facilities
– Present some evidence-based recommendations of some countries in the world

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact: Nguyen Thi Ngoc Diep Phone No.: 0966 136327, email: svhattc@gmail.com. For technical issues, please contact Danh Hoang Nguyen, Tel: 0949574493.

Time14:00-15:30 Wednesday, 01 April 2020
How to participate:Online via ZOOM
ParticipantsClinical staffs at clinics and those who have interest in this topic
Document and Zoom ID of the lecture: will be notified to you who registered.


Content of Lecture
1. The situation of COVID-19
2. How to prevent COVID-19 in addiction treatment facilities
3. Evidence-based recommendations of some countries in the world

Assoc. Prof. Do Van Dung
- Dean of Public Health faculty
Director of Vietnam HIV and Addiction Technology Transfer Center
University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City