PEPFAR COP 2018 Meeting in Hanoi (Oct 18, 2017)


On October 18, representatives from VH-ATTC/UMP, Dr. Do Van Dung – Director of VHATTC/UMP and Ms. Vu Thi Tuong Vi – Project Coordinator, participated in the COP 2018 meeting of SAMHSA in The U.S. Embassy in Hanoi. Beside presenting and making plans for the next year, VHATTC/UMP had chance to talk and make connection with many other partners, know what organizations are doing and consider for the next cooerations and partnerships.

MS. Vu Thi Tuong Vi (VHATTC - UMP) Present at Workshop

Dr. Le Minh Giang, on behalf of 3 universities including the 3 ATTCs at UMP, HMU and ULSA, presented on the plan of ATTC involment in capacity-buiolding activities for professionals in addiction and HIV treatment in Vietnam. Mentioned in this plan, VHATTC/UMP anf VHATTC/HMU will continue the assistence for the network with 101 trainings, and more focus on advanced trainings; implementing E-learning courses and especially the research and pilot program on ATS treatment in Hanoi and HCMC.

In the afternoon, the partners digged dipper into the mechanism in cooperation and cost-share activities in order to bring out the most effective support for the network of professionals in addiction and HIV treatment.

Some other pics taken at the meeting:

Assoc. Prof. Le Minh Giang (HMU) present overview of activities of 3 ATTCs of Vietnam